Thursday, October 16, 2008

Final Presidential Debate

I attended the debate watch party that was held at the Phoebus Coffee Shop in Hampton, VA. This place was perfect for an intimate setting, and it was chosen as a site for CNN to do their post debate show. Phoebus Coffee shop first got buzz by the Middle Eastern News group Al Jazeera, who will be taping their election special at the coffee house. Click here for more news about Phoebus Coffee Shop. the place was filled with a diverse group of people. All races, gender, age, and partisanship were present at tonight's debate party. I even saw one woman with a Ron Paul button on, and Congressman Robert Scott was also present to watch the debates. Of course I blogged the debate in its entirety while at the coffee shop and here are some of my thoughts.

To give a broad generalization, I have to say that Obama stuck to providing facts and having to defend himself, while McCain resulted to insults and zingers to Obama. It was very rare that McCain had a rebuttal that actually addressed an issue.

Lets get to the topics. Again, read this as my initial reactions during the debate, I'm sure you had the same exact reactions (unless you are among the 40% who thinks McCain won the debate)

Economic Crisis
McCain focused on the housing market and his plan on reverse mortgage lending. he also faulted Paulson and expressed his disappointment in Paulson not making the mortgage crisis top priority. This was a pretty general comment by McCain, but surprisingly a comment in which I agreed. The foolish and greedy decision made by Washington and Wall Street have homeowners in a bind, with no apparent "bailout" for them.

Obama called for a rescue plan for the middle class, which is something he has been consistent with, even at the earlier debates. Nothing new here, but I did like the subtle stab he took at McCain when he said "The Fundamentals of the economy were weak"

Out comes Joe Plumber.. whom Obama sited previously.. but McCain decides that he wants to talk through the TV to "Joe" (who must be Joe 6 pack's cousin) and ensure him that he will see to it that he doesn't have to pay any more taxes. This has to be on SNL tonight in Primetime.

Leadership in the Campaign
McCain gave us his sob story on the negative attacks of the Obama campaign (which really isn't that negative) and how defended he was with the comments oh John Lewis. First of all, as Roland Martin said after the debate, if you have a problem with what John Lewis said, then you need to write John Lewis. Secondly, I don't believe that John Lewis was too far fetched in what he said. I don't think McCain is a segregationists, but i do think that Palin is clueless AND extremely prejudice and would probably justify the comments of "terrorist" and "kill him" with a freedom of speech that hew sons are fighting for in Iraq. Who just sits there and smiles like an idiot when people are spewing hateful comments about someone, whether or not they are your opponent.. Wait, I know the answer to this... Sarah Palin.

Obama commented that the centerpiece of McCain's campaign is Bill Ayers, and that 100% of McCain's ads have been negative. And the difference between the campaign ads are that Obama's ads are focused more on the negatives of McCain's ideas and platform, whereas McCain is attacking the character of Obama. Obama won this debate at this very moment, when he laid out the facts of his relationships with Ayers and the organization ACORN (both of which have ties with McCain as well).

McCain is simply jealous of Obama and his campaign, and how he has come up with a huge campaign sparked from grassroots efforts. McCain only wishes that he could have had a decent campaign.. too little too late buddy! Juat admit it, you can't win based on your ideals and plans, so you thought you could bash Obama and allow these negative connotations to fester until November 4, but it was truly backfired... Obama isn't scared of you or your negative attacks

Palin vs. Biden - Which VP would be the best President
The Question we have all been waiting for! Nevermind Biden, we all wanted to see what both McCain and Obama would say about Palin. I didn't really hear much about her (not surprised) from McCain except for the America has gotten to know her.. True, but I learned by watching Tina Fey spoofs and Kaite Couric interviews... not helping my impression of her McCain.. Obama didn't attack her like I wanted her to, but he instead simply stated "She is uh... a capable politician"

You know how you stutter when you lie? Evident when McCain says "she is a freth.. bresh.. breath of flesh.. fresh air"

In conclusion, Obama was smooth and charismatic as always, but still came across as intelligent and eager to lead this Nation. McCain however was rude, condescending and appeared to be fighting a losing battle for the Presidency. The corny stabs and zingers were unnecessary, and the only time the crowd laugh was when Obama said "even Fox news disputes your comments" McCain is no comedian, and if this debate alone could determine the White House, McCain is no President either.

Was that really the same dress Michelle wore on Larry King Live last week? I'll say no more.

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