After a week of Katie Couric interviews, I was more than ready to see Palin in action during the VP debate. I was equally prepared to see Biden give it to Palin no-holds-barred, but surprisingly I was pleased at the level of peace on the stage. Not to mention, Gwen ifill did an excellent job (despite her broken ankle) as moderator, and should be commended for keeping the candidates on topic. Here are some of my realtime reactions during the debate, and I think that you would agree with most of what I said.
I was so happy to see Palin in a suit that I found to be very fashionable. The pleated detail in the back, along with the traditional lapel was a thousand times better than those collarless suits she has been caught wearing recently. I still want to secretly cut that shag from the back of Joe Biden's head, but I do love his pinstripe suit.
Did anyone else notice how dead behind the eyes Plain was? She was looking straight ahead as if she was reading a teleprompter.. but this time the teleprompter was in her head... She had this stuff memorized! I felt no emotion from her whatsoever
"New and Different" Who is new? Who is different? McCain has been in Senate since Abraham performed the Gettysburg Address... so how new will this Republican Ticket bet?
Who is Joe? Regular is relative Palin, and I am still offended on how you insulted those Americans who were able to have passports as children and see the world... That doesn't make them any less regular than you, it just makes you more uncultured and ignorant! And saying "Darn right" and "Heck" will not get you anymore of the votes of these "regular" people you continue to mention.
Every time an issue was raised, or if Biden challenged Palin, she almost always went back to taxes.. The original question was about the Mortgage market, but we never heard on her position!
Finally! We hear about the "middle class" But yet we hear about this $250K again as well... I'm over that number, and I don't understand how they can define what the threshold of middle class is.. What about those who aren't even in middle class? What about those in poverty? We need to hear about that, because that poverty line may increase if we can't get the economy back on track.
One of the Questions was "What Promises have you made to Americans that you can't keep" and Palin had no answer! Then when the moderator confronted her, Palin said that she has only been in front of the American people for 5 weeks... DUHHH! Did anyone else hear that? So why is she even a VP candidate if she has had no affiliation or experience with the American People? Next in line of least experience is Obama, but at least he has had 4 good years in front of America, as a politician and a public figure.
I want to analyze Palin's answers, but I don't know what she is talking about... I don't understand circles, so when you talk in them, it truly confuses me! Like how does Petroleum cause climate change? Even if there is a relation between petroleum and climate change, Plain did not give a good example of this relationship.
Here comes Foreign Policy..
"We got to win in Iraq..." What will constitute victory in Iraq? What are we fighting in Iraq? The question was about the exit strategy.. which means what is your exit plan... again, no answer from Palin
Palin is so sarcastic.. she had the audacity to point out how Biden didn't address the question, when she was guilty of the same crime for the entire 90 minutes! What she missed (while she was too busy looking at her notes) was that Biden did answer the question of how his administration would be different than Obama's. After Palin's lame response, Biden decided to respond to her tangent of what he doesn't like of the Bush Administration.
Did anyone else notice how dead behind the eyes Plain was? She was looking straight ahead as if she was reading a teleprompter.. but this time the teleprompter was in her head... She had this stuff memorized! I felt no emotion from her whatsoever
"New and Different" Who is new? Who is different? McCain has been in Senate since Abraham performed the Gettysburg Address... so how new will this Republican Ticket bet?
Who is Joe? Regular is relative Palin, and I am still offended on how you insulted those Americans who were able to have passports as children and see the world... That doesn't make them any less regular than you, it just makes you more uncultured and ignorant! And saying "Darn right" and "Heck" will not get you anymore of the votes of these "regular" people you continue to mention.
Every time an issue was raised, or if Biden challenged Palin, she almost always went back to taxes.. The original question was about the Mortgage market, but we never heard on her position!
Finally! We hear about the "middle class" But yet we hear about this $250K again as well... I'm over that number, and I don't understand how they can define what the threshold of middle class is.. What about those who aren't even in middle class? What about those in poverty? We need to hear about that, because that poverty line may increase if we can't get the economy back on track.
One of the Questions was "What Promises have you made to Americans that you can't keep" and Palin had no answer! Then when the moderator confronted her, Palin said that she has only been in front of the American people for 5 weeks... DUHHH! Did anyone else hear that? So why is she even a VP candidate if she has had no affiliation or experience with the American People? Next in line of least experience is Obama, but at least he has had 4 good years in front of America, as a politician and a public figure.
I want to analyze Palin's answers, but I don't know what she is talking about... I don't understand circles, so when you talk in them, it truly confuses me! Like how does Petroleum cause climate change? Even if there is a relation between petroleum and climate change, Plain did not give a good example of this relationship.
Here comes Foreign Policy..
"We got to win in Iraq..." What will constitute victory in Iraq? What are we fighting in Iraq? The question was about the exit strategy.. which means what is your exit plan... again, no answer from Palin
Palin is so sarcastic.. she had the audacity to point out how Biden didn't address the question, when she was guilty of the same crime for the entire 90 minutes! What she missed (while she was too busy looking at her notes) was that Biden did answer the question of how his administration would be different than Obama's. After Palin's lame response, Biden decided to respond to her tangent of what he doesn't like of the Bush Administration.
So who won? Biden by far, but here is my summary:
Palin was very rehearsed and lacked emotion in her responses. She also stuck to her talking points and had nothing to contribute to her conversations that didn't surround what she had written on paper. Her biggest platforms were taxes and energy, and it was evident that that's her comfort zone. She totally bypassed the idea of civil rights among homosexuals and she couldn't talk Nuclear weapons without requesting to discuss Afghanistan. I felt like I got no definitive answers to the questions that were actually asked to Palin, but I am relieved that she sounded a bit more educated that usual (that doesn't say much). Yes she did better than expected on this debate, but she has been locked up and crammed with info and strategy, so I still think her actions with Katie Couric showed her true colors, which are clueless colors...
Biden did an excellent job as a debater. Not saying that all his answers were favorable, but they were clear, concise, and when he finished his statements, you knew where he stood. He refrained from attacking Palin, and instead addressed his positions, and expressed his disagreements with the current Bush Administration, while showing how the McCain administration will remain the same. I am glad that he didn't let the night end without confronting the use of the word "Maverick" by Palin and McCain.
What disappointed me most from both candidates is that I heard nothing about those under poverty lines. We heard about the middle class, small business owners, and the taxing of the rich, but what will be done for the poor? What about the homeless? What about illegal immigrants that have had children in the U.S, making them citizens? These are practical issues that we have yet to hear about in either of the debates, and I hope that it gets addressed this coming Tuesday!
Thank you for so eloquently expressing the frustration I have been feeling since the very first time I heard her speak! What are you talking about, Gov. Palin? Spit it out already!