The First couples of present and future met today at the White House for the first time since Barack Obama was elected President. They met at the South Portico, a famous meeting place for special guests to the White House. As the men traveled through the Rose garden to the seat of power in the Oval Office, the Women toured the 132 room living space of the White House.
Michelle Obama's dress was a red number from Chicago designer Mario Pinto. Pinto was also the designer of many of Michelle Obama's other dresses worm during the campaign trail. The dress was very simple with a small detail at the chest. Surprise ladies and gents, I actually LIKED the dress! Her height and shape work so well with the dress, and though other critics feel the detail at the top looks as if the dress is too tight, I think it added a natural detail to the dress, as opposed to those brooches that I never like to see. The vibrant color also looked superb on her complexion - that brown skin and red dress looked beautiful in that cream/neutral interior of the White House. Classy, chic, modest, perfect. That's how I sum up the dress worn by Michelle. In contrast, Laura Bush's outfit looks dingy compared to Michelle's.