Time Magazine released their commemorative issue of President-Elect Barack H. Obama today. What an adventure it was to get one in my hands! It started on Tuesday when I found out that the issue would be in stores on November 6. I take my lunch break to run to Books A Million who hadn't received their shipment yet. This same story continues with Barnes and Noble and Borders. So today, i took that same lunch break to make my rounds throughout Newport News and Hampton to try to find any issues I could get my hands on. I first went to Barnes and Noble and they had posted flyers on their doors that they were sold out of the Time Magazine. I decided to go in anyway, and I did get my hands on the last copies of the new issues of Newsweek and People. Score!

Next, I stopped at every grocery store in my path to Borders Books. No luck. the into Borders. Still no luck, only because their shipment didn't come in.
Next, I went to KMart. No Time Magazine, but I did get the previous Time issue with Obama and McCain on the cover. I also purchased another "History Made" magazine that contains monthly photos of Obama throughout his campaign. Wonderful purchase if you can find it.
On my way back to work, I quickly took the next exit to check out Books-A-Million, and as soon as I walked in, I was welcomes by another customer who was leaving and she asked me "you goin' in for the Obama magazine?" This question got me hype because I knew they probably had their shipment in.. I said Yes, and she told me that they had just opened their shipment and were allowing each customer to get one copy. SCORE!! By the time I got back to my car, people were running into the store as if Obama himself were in there! What a sight!
If you want this collector's item, i suggest you call all your local grocery stores, gas stations and bookstores and see if their shipments have come in. Geez, its like the Election Day newspaper all over again!
You're having better luck than I am. At least you have the People and Newsweek magazines. I live in Hammond, LA, and Books-A-Million and the surrounding grocery stores didn't get their shipment in yet (don't have a BN store here). All I have are four local newspapers. Man, I wish I could get my hands on that newspaper Oprah was holding up on her show Wednesday. And to think that I don't have a campaign button, a shirt, a sign, or anything else for that matter. Bummer! :-(