Time Magazine released their commemorative issue of President-Elect Barack H. Obama today. What an adventure it was to get one in my hands! It started on Tuesday when I found out that the issue would be in stores on November 6. I take my lunch break to run to Books A Million who hadn't received their shipment yet. This same story continues with Barnes and Noble and Borders. So today, i took that same lunch break to make my rounds throughout Newport News and Hampton to try to find any issues I could get my hands on. I first went to Barnes and Noble and they had posted flyers on their doors that they were sold out of the Time Magazine. I decided to go in anyway, and I did get my hands on the last copies of the new issues of Newsweek and People. Score!

Next, I stopped at every grocery store in my path to Borders Books. No luck. the into Borders. Still no luck, only because their shipment didn't come in.
Next, I went to KMart. No Time Magazine, but I did get the previous Time issue with Obama and McCain on the cover. I also purchased another "History Made" magazine that contains monthly photos of Obama throughout his campaign. Wonderful purchase if you can find it.
On my way back to work, I quickly took the next exit to check out Books-A-Million, and as soon as I walked in, I was welcomes by another customer who was leaving and she asked me "you goin' in for the Obama magazine?" This question got me hype because I knew they probably had their shipment in.. I said Yes, and she told me that they had just opened their shipment and were allowing each customer to get one copy. SCORE!! By the time I got back to my car, people were running into the store as if Obama himself were in there! What a sight!
If you want this collector's item, i suggest you call all your local grocery stores, gas stations and bookstores and see if their shipments have come in. Geez, its like the Election Day newspaper all over again!