Monday, October 5, 2009

QTips - Hampton Roads Fashion

It has been a while since I hung out in the 757, and subsequently it has been a while since I have seen nearly all of my qtips being violated in one place in less than an hour! My area has got to better when it comes to style - it doesnt have to be expensive, but it MUST be current! Here are some examples of some of the mishaps I saw the other night:

1. Gold Lame (Le-May) dresses - Talk about a double meaning.. Never a good idea and especially not a good idea when you are over 45 and clearly have had children..

2. Oversized dress shirts - most people call these "button ups" or "button dows" and I hate both terms, and its for the very reason of men wearing them 3 sizes too big and not tucked in. Please buy shirts that fit correctly.

3. Peter pan Kicks - Aldo, Journeys, Underground Station, etc. will NOT stop selling these because of people like tonight! Super round toe, not IN... super pointed toe, to the point of it curling up.. NEVER IN!

4. Shirt and Tie - Sounds pretty innocent, but it isn't! If you are over the age of 19, you seriously need to not be wearing a shirt and tie without a suit or sportcoat. If nothing else, please put a sweater over top of the shirt (V neck or cardigan). This needs a QTip session of its own, because I have seen one too many men mess this up! And silk printed ties.. Ugh! OK, I won't get started here..

5. Timbs.

6. Cat Suits - yes, Jumpsuits, or Cat suits, as it is most popularly known, are IN, but not if they are full grown Lions.. Be conscious about your body's curves before you decide to waste your money on this trend. Buying black doesn't necessarily hide everything!

Don't worry Hampton Roads, since I live here with you all, I am here to the rescue! Stay tuned...

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